Is adoption available to individuals, cohabiting couples (both heterosexual and same-sex)?
APursuant to section 3(1) of the Adoption Act 2010, the law now states that a ‘parent’, in relation to a child, ‘means the mother or father or both of the child, whether or not they are married to each other’. Section 3(2) of the 2010 Act makes it clear that references to ‘adopters’in that Act shall ‘include references to an adopter’. As such adoption by a single applicant is now permitted and is for the first time provided for on a statutory basis. Adoption is not available to same-sex and/or cohabiting couples other than on a sole applicant basis. The prospective adopters are assessed by the Health Service Executive as to their eligibility and suitability. Statutory conditions relating to residence, marriage, religion and minimum age must be satisfied if adopters are to satisfy the eligibility criteria. Neither Irish domicile or nationality is required. Other conditions relating to factors such as maximum age, quality of and lifestyle must also be met by the adopters.